Galáxia - English Pattern

Galáxia - Slouchy Beret

By: Flor de Iris (


gorro 01


Less than 1 skein of fingering wool - Socks Da Fazenda

Circular needles -2,75 mm

Cable needles

Size: 25 cm height X 44 cm in circumference (in ribs 2/2)

Gauge: 25 stitches x 40 rows in  Stockinette Stitch-  10cm x 10 cm blocked



This beret is worked in circular rows.


Knit – k

Purl – p

Slip slip knit – ssk

Slip one as if to knit, knit two together, and pass the slipped stitch over - SK2tog PSSO

C4F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle (or spare double-point needle) and hold to front of work; k2, k2 from cable needle.

C4L  - Slip 4 sts to cable needle and hold in front of work, p1, k4 from cable needle

2x2 rib – k2, p2 until the end

Yarn over - yo



Cast on  160 stitches with the circular needles. Place a marker and join the round, taking care to not twist the stitches.

Work in ribs 2x2 for 5 cm or 20 rows.

Row 1.: ssk, p12, C4F, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 2: k1, p12, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 3: ssk, p12, k4, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 4: k1, p12, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Work the 1-4 rows more 12 times.


Row 1: SK2tog PSSO, p11, C4F, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 2: k1, p11, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 3: SK2tog PSSO, p10, k4, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 4: k1, p10, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 5: SK2tog PSSO, p9, C4F, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 6: k1, p9, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 7: SK2tog PSSO, p8, k4, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 8: k1, p8, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 9: SK2tog PSSO, p7, C4F, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 10: k1, p7, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 11: SK2tog PSSO, p6, k4, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 12: k1, p6, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 13: SK2tog PSSO, p5, C4F, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 14: k1, p5, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 15: SK2tog PSSO, p4, k4, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 16: k1, p4, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 17: SK2tog PSSO, p3, C4F, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 18: k1, p3, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 19: SK2tog PSSO, p2, k4, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 20: k1, p2, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 21: SK2tog PSSO, p1, C4F, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 22: k1, p1, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 23: SK2tog PSSO, k4, p2, yo (repeat 7 times more)

Row 24: k1, C4L, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 25: ssk, C4F, p2 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 26: k1, C4L, p1 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 27: ssk, k4, p1 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 28: k1, C4L (repeat 7 times more)

Row 29: ssk, C4F, (repeat 7 times more)

Row 30: knit all stitches

Row 31: ssk, k3 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 32: knit all stitches

Row 33: SK2tog PSSO, k1 (repeat 7 times more)

Row 34: knit all stitches


Cut the yarn and place the end on a tapestry needle. Pull the needle through the remaining sts and pull up tight to close the hole. Pull the end to the inside and weave in ends.


If you find any mistake in the pattern, please let me know. Send me an email:


gorro 02

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