Beauty Blue Shawl


By: Iris Alessi - Flor de Iris


4mm circular needles ( 80 cm cables)

Yarn (fingering) – approximately  700 meters (or less) – I used the yarn: Fingering Single Ply  - TricôTricô Fios e Tingimentos.

Stitches markers




Cast on 3 stitches and work for 6 rows in knit (garter stitch).

When you finish the sixth row, do not turn the work and rotate it 90° clockwise.

Use the edge to pick up 3 stitches and knit them.

Rotate the work again in 90°, clockwise pick up 3 stitches and knit them. Then, you will have 9 stitches.



k3, twisted yo, p3, twisted yarn over, k3 (11 stiches)

Row 1: k3, place a marker (pm), yo, k1, twisted yarn over, k1, 1 yo, pm, k1 (central stitch), pm,  yo, k1, twisted yarn over, k1, 1 yo, pm, k3 (total: 17 stitches, on section: 5)

Row 2:  k3, pass the marker (pm) purl until the last marker, pm, k3

Row 3: k3, pm, yo, m until the marker, 1 yo, pm, k1, pm,  yo, m until the marker, 1 yo, pm, k3 (total 21 stitches, on section: 7)

Row 4:  k3, pm, purl until the last marker, pm, k3

Row 5: k3, pm,  yo, k1, twisted yarn over, m until the marker, 1 yo, pm, k1, pm,  yo, k1, k until 1 stitch before the marker, twisted yarn over, k1, 1 yo, pm, k3 (total 27 stitches, on section: 10)

Row 6:  k3, pm, purl until the last marker, pm, k3

Row 7: k3, pm, yo, m until the marker, 1 yo, pm, k1, pm,  yo, m until the marker, 1 yo, pm, k3 (total 31 stitches, on section: 12)

Row 8:  k3, pm, purl until the last marker, pm, k3


Repeat rows 5 to 8, until you have 177 stitches in each section and 361 stitches total.


So work the ending charts. Each char tis a side of the shawl  (left and right). Work the 20 rows and bind-off loosely.



The border stitches, in the starter and the ending of the row, aren’t in the chat

Charts:  (click here to see the images)


gráfico 1 gráfico


Bind off: k1, *k1, slip 2 sts back to left needle, and k2tog through the back loops* across.


beauty blue



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